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전체 글2119

Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. Is Sanctioned for Unfair Interference in the Management of Dealers - Request information on the sale amount of goods from the agency and receive a corrective order - The Fair Trade Commission decided to impose a corrective order on Samsung Electronics' request for information on the sales amount of products corresponding to business secrets from the agency without a reasonable reason. From January 2017 to September 2023, Samsung Electronics asked dealerships to.. 2024. 4. 11.
Korea Fair Trade Commission Discusses Cross-Government Collaboration To Promote Competition With Advanced Competition Authorities - Attending the '3rd Competition Authority Heads' Meeting hosted by the US Competition Authority - Cho Hong-sun, vice chairman of the Korea Fair Trade Commission, will attend the "3rd Enfers Summit" jointly hosted by the U.S. competition authority, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and the Ministry of Justice (DOJ), in W.. 2024. 4. 8.
23rd 'Fair Trade Day' Celebration - Reflecting on the importance of establishing a fair market economy to support people's livelihoods and innovation - - 30 Fair Trade Distinguished Persons Awarded Government Award - ▪ Date and place: April 1, 2024, 14:00 (Monday), International Conference Hall of the Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry ▪ Organized: Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Korea Federa.. 2024. 4. 3.
Legislative Notice for the Amendment of the E-Commerce Act - Strengthen consumer protection obligations by requiring overseas operators to designate domestic agents - Introducing a consensual resolution system in the E-Commerce Act to promptly remedy consumer damage without filing a separate lawsuit The Korea Fair Trade Commission announced that it will prepare a partial amendment to the Act on Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, etc. and announ.. 2024. 3. 26.
Korea Fair Trade Commission approves acquisition of 'Humantics' shares by 'Ansis' - Dciding Ansis will be different to impact really on HUMANETICS MANAGEMENT - - In the future, we plan to examine whether competition is restricted when exercising the right to claim the purchase of the remaining stocks - The Korea Fair Trade Commission approved the business combination on March 19, 2024, judging that it is difficult to see a controlling relationship between Ansis, Inc. acquirin.. 2024. 3. 21.
Korea Fair Trade Commission Donates Full Rewards - After receiving the Prime Minister's commendation, the entire reward (8 million won) was donated to the Community Chest of Korea - In the 2023 Comprehensive Integrity Assessment of Public Institutions conducted by the Anti Corruption and Civil Rights Commission, the Korea Fair Trade Commission ranked first grade, the highest grade among 25 ministerial central administrative agencies. In recogn.. 2024. 3. 20.
Comprehensive consumer protection measures related to overseas online platforms will be announced - Strict enforcement of domestic laws such as the Electronic Commerce Act and mandatory designation of domestic agents to overseas business operators - Four major items, including harmful food and medicine, temporary products, harmful media for teenagers, and personal information infringement, are jointly responded by ministries - Active relief and prevention of consumer damage, such as establis.. 2024. 3. 13.
Sanctions against e-commerce violations of 'Airbnb Island', a global shared lodging platform - Consumer protection in the relevant market is expected to increase due to the recognition of the obligation of mail-order intermediaries to verify and provide identity information of mail-order intermediaries in the accommodation service market - The Korea Fair Trade Commission decided to impose an order to prohibit future activities and impose a fine on Airbnb Island, an operator of a cyber m.. 2024. 3. 11.
Tumbler 13 Product Quality Comparison Results(2024. 3. 5.) Recently, the use of tumblers has increased as a way to cope with the climate crisis, and each brand is releasing new products in various forms and designs. In response, Seoul YWCA (Chairman Cho Yeon-shin) tested and evaluated the main quality and performance (warm, cool, airtight, safety), ease of use, and environment of 13 tumblers sold on the market. As a result of the test, there were differ.. 2024. 3. 6.
KFTC Discusses 2024 Competition Policy Promotion and Law Enforcement Cooperation With U.S. Department of Justice Anti-trust Bureau - Bilateral consultations between Korea-U.S. competition authorities - Vice Chairman of the Fair Trade Commission Cho Hong sun shared various opinions with Manish Kumar, deputy assistant secretary of the U.S. Department of Justice's anti-trust bureau, at the Korea Fair Trade Adjustment Institute on Feb. 27 (Tue), regarding the direction of competition policies in 2024, and cooperation measures f.. 2024. 3. 5.
티악 더블 카세트 데크 W-860R 테스트 잘 사용하던 기기. 판매를 위해 테스트. 욕심을 못 말려서 이걸 잘 쓰면서도 다른 걸 또 구입했다. 으이그.. 티악 더블 카세트 데크 W-860R 테스트 TEAC W-860R Double Cassette Deck 왼쪽 데크 오른쪽 데크 2024. 2. 18.
목동 모아타운 공부(목동 231-27번지, 목2동 재개발) - 분담금 등 - 모아타운은 소규모 민간 재개발 모아주택 여러 개가 모인 것. 아파트 브랜드 낮고, 작은 단지 집합체. 재산 가치 적다. 건축협정으로 한 단지처럼 만든다는데, 구역별 협정도 쉽지 않다. 목2동 위치 좋으나 2차선 진입로 등 한계점도 있다. - 모아타운은 공영 재개발 아닌, 민간 재개발. 분담금이 있으며 중간에 증액될 가능성도 있고, 분담금은 수억원에 이를 수도 있다(기존 모아타운도 수억 원). 분담금 갈등으로 수년 간 공사 지연되는 경우도 있다. 모든 걸 걸고 뛰어 들어야 하는 상황. - 저층 고급 주거단지로 개발할 경우, 전국이 아파트를 만드는 현 상황(재건축, 재개발 빼고 모아타운 지정만 서울에 100곳 추진 중)에서 희소성이 있으며 서래마을과 같은 포지셔닝을 할 수 있다. -------.. 2024. 2. 14.